Worms in humans pictures, symptoms, treatment

Today, postat, around 280 times the crvi that raste Mauger Yes, and To be repeated in the coleccion organizam, bolesta, in don't block out a General description of the and the wild. Frequencyat the infectia the crvi dovecot depends on climaticide, and the socio-economsit terms and conditions of the odredjene of the region (in the pomalku Razvitie half, especially, those able who to NAAT in a trotskite, and subtropica areas on nivo a parasitary infection, a lot of povilika the break-off at the ekonomski Razvitie half).

The beginning of the kowechka infectia with helminths:

  • Bioelements (infectia od zivotni).
  • Zarazni Helminth infections (all prenosova of the person in the face.
  • Geohelminths (bolesti predizvici of the parasites on the forehead of the Edna of the animal cyclus in samatA).
human parasites symptoms and treatment

Factors that Vliet VRZ demonstration of helminthiasis

Metadot in the penetralia of the parasite in taloto:

  • The department of adaptacia of crvi to choocolate the body;
  • Sustinuta of the population (bde) of the parasitary the Primerose;
  • Habitat for tsrv (tkiva of parasites, change in a dense MAKITA a wild and luminal, are repeated in the Lumina of the shoplive a General description). Some helminths in the razlichni fazi imat, and the luminal and Divo formation. And rasva of the larval fazi of crvi, as a rule, predizvicite powee of theski in patokoski promeni.

In the odsustvo re-infekcia brooch in the vozrasni of parasites in the body, choveshkata is not solimena. In this funkcia all razlikuju helminth infectia od bolesti predizvici of bacteria, viruses, Fungi, and protozoa in organizmi.

Crvi in lueta: simptomi

Helminthiasis, e bolest Koa's karakterisere 2-stage, flow rate (Ostara, from two weeks to two period), and chronicity (nekolku of the period to nekolko years of age).

Simptomi in the acute phase to a helminth infection.

The prvite of znati in the bolesta Mauger Yes se AVI in razlichni Vremia (NACESTI 2 to 3 weeks, ascariasis – 2 to 3 Dan, and when filariose of the incubatio period, Mauger, To Trae and 6-18 in the period).

In the acetate phase parasitary key nacestid to the development's alergica reakcia (e Rasool antibodies to the antigen of the migrazia the larvae of a parasitic). Therefore, loeto a zarazeni the crvi CE paavi ADI's in the kojata isip; arc con relapsing of the year, Shalamova in and lympne Asli, Mauger, To predizvici generalizion, or a local place, Mosconi, and baulk at slobovia. Migrazia the larvae of the parasite Mauger To predizvici baulk, to gradate, callica, asthma, bolesti stoltze, Gadea and powree.

In the history of time, an acute phase to a helminth infection. Mauger To the sink pridruzene with pavee seriozni Narusova (teshka, a form of pneumonia, hepatic, allergiske myocarditis, hepatosplenomegaly (in the solemani a cpr drob, and the Belousov).

Kruta CE Shalamova, broot of eosinophils (eosinophilia), and that's a network with a normal life vrsca pomeo protein fractions (dysproteinemia).

human parasites

Snazi in chronic helminthiasis

Simptomi in the chronic phase of addiction of the body, "populat" on and parasites, and, isto Taka, the game is important to Aloha as well nivnata Goleman, and the brooch.

Which means that when singing the theme to the speech of the parasite in Eden, the creation of a pojedinci, bolesta Mauger You are asymptomatic (s escluso the case of a lot of golemi and parasites). Caracteristics in the chronic phase of the crinata helminths and the ASPIRATION dyspepsia. Decata imat at the Golem, the measure of the izrazene asthenoneurotic, and Bolek. The Golem hit the Ascaris Mauger Yes se to develop a intestinala opstrukcija, obstructive altica, and pancreatitis.

Consumere screen sushtinska znacie to denosta on the matter of the Organismo domain, crvi predizvici digestivni Narusova, malabsorption of vitamins, minerals, igleheart, a protein, and want. In the history of time, in order to produce a otpadne of crvi ingibiruet of normalnot the intestinal flora, and mamalove for imunologice Energia to the teleto.

Lueta that stradat of the helminthiasis, the parade elaben of imunology system, the shaleena Delba on procesot (ispituje on a postoak on the statenote Divo and parasites) znachitelno you Shalamova rizikom od maligin it.

Vidovi of helminths, Medical care in the choveshkata body

Predizvicite agensi of ciovacco helminthiasis CE 2 type of crvi: round (nematode) and rumney (tapeworms and flukes).



The parasites that preciselywhat pinworms are Tiny (up to 10mm) tenki abdominalna crvi, with a-White-BA. Infectia CE avova of the alimentary prek (prek to my mouth). Prekinuta an evil rat. The parasite Mauger, The octanet in the samatA, the fleece of the zaradenie jivotni, unwashed owase, and the Zelenchuk, ITN. sepak, when enterobiasis cases samsarajade (AJ posebno decata), which preislerova the grabee to the Adeje region, and the posledovatelna ingestion of Asa. Pinworm larvata in the CE develops for a period of two weeks in the digestinit the gi tract. Xie pretvara into-English speaking DAB of the parasite in the dalyot tenka, and garnite delovi on the debelata crevo.

human parasites pinworm


Ascaris e parasite to the golemi fusiform crveno to Zsolt, dostihove the maturity of a 40-cm (Genis) and 15-25 cm (Codru). Not a Must Ushakova of the Cup or other mounting Uredi, Ascaris e-mail in the costab, and that they are moving Granata kon inverters masite. It postaveni of the country, the female parasite, the council of Europe, the slucuva with the feces.

Infectia with ascariasis CE AVEVA, in the slouch of the ingestion of a Mature Ac with water, or the unwashed owase, and the Zelenchuk who are sogreat pochuta in the chastichki. For penetratio on the As in the create imaat nasaleze of the larvi. Potoa, prodire in crinit ID, a document, a prek krovotoku dostigne srceto, and the ottimo, in the Belite grabovi. The prek melodrama alveolate roundworm larva to preko respiratorio and vlahova, again, in the usnate shopline. The re-Holte of the parasite dostigne of tankoto Crewe, Where, in the singing of the theme to tie the CE rasviet in the vozrasni. DAB in his 12th period, potoa no se slucuva zaedno with ismett. In the creation of the Eden area Mauger, To many, the edno and nekolku a staticy person.


Whipworm, trichuriasis co predizvicite e Beli crvi, health care in the pochenit it Works on the debelata Crewe and postignuca halamine 4-5 cm of the parasite can be Brought to kruta and the diwata of the luznici rectuma.

Whipworm is postaveni of the state of women in the development, izlese with the feces. Nivniot razva CE slucuva zivotnata in the middle (optimalno in pochuta). It nasaleze in the cornfields the larvae of the parasite would make the teleto the alimentary prek, the prek evil rat, water, or unwashed Zelenchuk and to owase.

human parasites Ascaris

The Trichinella species

Predizvicite agens in the trichinosis with a Small circle of crvi, dostignuv of 2 to 5 mm in Dolina. Infectia CE avova with Adee undercooked meso (a, Mechka meso, or swia). Pradera in creating, larvae of the parasite within a period of 3-4 Dan and Maturation sostoa to the Withdrawal of the pojedinci. The jivotnih century, the tsrv is a 40 thousand, in the parasites there. Proberably crewdit ID, larvae of the navisat in the krovotoku, and this is Shiri screen organiza on choveshkata body to resave it in pusculita. In the new, slusa, nachisto vlie in respiratorios and Musculine to be passed, and musculista the extremitatea.

In prvite denovi of inviata, patientia CE Galat to baulk at stonecot. Potoa, for about a 2 weeks, the temperaturte of the teleto CE Shalamova to 39-40 ° C, Xie paavi on a kogata at nervozni Osip and the ASPIRATION to develop a Musculine, Bolek, Swelling of be passed. In the new period of time in Luca at the masovna infectia, wait for a significant rizik of the smrt. With the Edema for about a month, the saranova CE slucuva. A parasite, e siena, in the spiralna form, in which, in the two-year institutions.

Ancylostoma and necator

These two svii CE slicni the biologica caracteristics and Vic bolesti. With the new one, the tie adlucia, and that the place is under zajednicko name (hookworm). Crvi, dostignuv Dolina of 10-15 mm, and the ASPIRATION grant a 12-page crevo. Necessary, and that the napomene As the egg e Edna on najestic, but in the history of time, Ratko CE pronate parasites. The larvae of crvi on the navisat in the choveshkata body kojata preko in preko's contact with the inficirani Pochta. Pantamo, otkako in crooket, a tie, as the roundworm To migriert of the white grabovi, and prek bronchite zaedno the otharkivajushche phlegm in the digestinit the gi tract. Ancylostoma parasites, in the to create a the pilosulae yourself crewdit ID. The parasite which ASPIRATION grant iskljucivo of the EOC, casnovia at pradera in luznici to the cronite sadovi and nectere an anti-coagulant component tamu. In tikot to the denot, vozrasni, in the meadows Mauger go To the absorber of from 0.05-0.35 ml to the EOC. Satoa, poveet characteristicsin the development of helminthiasis in this e-iron deficiency anemia, and manuwai odnosot of the protein fractions (dysproteinemia).

Spisani crvi

For Tania

The egg e Edna od nagalama crvi, dostignuv Dolina of 10-20 metric. Bolesti predizvici of the egg parasite, called the difillobotrioz. Razvodit cyclus is to DAB Zapadnova you slatkovodnih care, or a crayfish. In the choveshkata a body with an in-zavrsne a range of wide tenia, larvata dobiva zaedno with the caviar, or the inficirani on the rib fillet. Postignuca of the tencate Crewe, a parasite pridava of the soot ed, within a period of 20-25 days raste To Sogreat a pojedinci.

Crdit Drob Fluke

The parasite which predizvicite opisthorchiasis e ramen DAB, dostignuv Dolina from 7-20 mm. Necessary, and that the napomene powee CHILDREN are 50% of the cases infectia the crdit drob Fluke (isto Taka referred to as Macka Fluke) vlie in the gitolite Russia. The parasite larva pocnuva that razvivaet for contactor with an Ac in the fresh water (from the Holte Niamh palgave). Ponata, the document Can NaViSet, in taloto FISH (carp, crucian carp, a plastic roach). Kowechka infectia CE avova of the Adee to the zagatina of Ribena meso As there is no mention of the brand toplina lacunae. Larvata a crdit drob Fluke a tankoto crevo of the navisat in the biliary Canali and gall moniot MEUR, odradove of It, with the help of a two-Ushakova the united states.

Goveda, and the swinish tenia

These CE recisi on the identichni structurata, parasites dostigne Dolina from 5-6 metric. Infectia the goodsco meso Tania infectia, and teniasis, e parade ademo for telesco or a of the inficirani by the Finns (Edna from the the middle of of the the formation of of helminthiasis). Austarlia Finns in the prezentirana in the form of Beloslav maurcia To dostignut Goleman are of 0.5 cm in the flat of the idot to the tencate crevo dovecot and in the 3rd period, all pretvara in the worse. Poas in the parasite, a co CE p of the powee of the of 2000 segmenti, postoina of the plants. Sepak to creat a segmenti, which sogreat As, precinema, and the other caused by the samostana at the bottom of the debelata Crewe on the anusol and potoa crawl outside of the anusat, or is that a slobodova zivotnata in the middle, with the feces. Nacestid simptomi of helminth infection Narusova to the digestinit the gi tract.


For the egg parasite dovecot e-mail the middle of the field. Tsrv e A in the choveshkata the body in the form of the Finns. Konecny domain of the Echinococcus – volkot, cup, or Macka. Infectia CE avova for prek alimentary in touch with jivotni, and the objectice of the zivotnata the middle, sahadeva to the Hour of the Echinococcus. For vesuva for cremata, who razviva oncospheres (larva shestigrannye). A cravotto the navisat in the krovotoku, and that is Sirat at the bottom of taloto.


The egg parasite with the council of Europe and judgments of the Eden view of Echinococcus e-mail of the reason for the Eden of the napanice helminth infection (for alveococcosis) in the gravitationa tech e-mail easily, as compared with the tsiroz a crdit drob, and cancer of the criot drob. Infectia CE AVEVA of the country, a penetratio of oncospheres (As a Mature larva in creating. Tamu embryonic preislerova on it, and pradera in crinit ID, vlahov, krovotoku. Pantamo, kruta parasite e distribuire, to the site of the wild with the teleto (NACESTI CE lokaliseren at the crnic drob). That e-mail mestoto Where Levite singing the theme to the se Nate on the glavnata phase (formaran of the multi-Maur, labrocyte). Secoa Elia Sadri embryonic glavata of the parasite, which prodolzhala, and that it develops gradually. Eurocity is a very aggressive formiae, postoina the plant parade zgolemuvanje of Mercia, isto Taka in some capacity. To rust in the crnic drob as much cancer metastasi.

Diagnostica of helminthiasis

Diagnosis of the tsrv hit man vklucaja Lednice activity:

  • Tamano prouve at istoriata to help to make CE identifikovat magnite cause of infectia;
  • LABORATORIA to the testere on ismett, krv, codrina, 12P to the debelata Crewe, rectal, and perianal slut, musculoso Divo at the white grabovi, sputum, jolocate. The health analyzer CE Mauger Yes se identificou As, a segment or fragment of the parasites. Sepak, the EOC solamente of the Nivea for eosinophils isto Taka, e-sign the pressostato of helminthiasis.
  • in the diagnosis of sabolova predizvici of the fazi wild, or the larval parasites of the CE serology (IFA, RSK, reakcia for indirect agglutination, immunofluorescence, analysis, etc.).
  • for odrive in helminths Vliet of the crdit drob Divo, e dodelin Ultrazvuk, CT, and endoscopic pregledi.

Crvi in lueta tretman

In the acetate stage, parasitary infections, patientt e propisana detoxication and desensitizing terapia. At teshka of the tecot bolesta (a trematode in the crnic drob, trichinosis) and a hint koristi glucocorticoids.

Kako likovi specific terapia with, ogled at the prirodata in the amounts that are due agentat To the posebna the zataplivaet chemotherapeutic agents.

Paralelno, patientt preporucuje se To se zeme of an antihistaminic, and chelators. Zavrsne phase of the tretman vklucaja kristee for probiotici to normalizare a crinata microflora.

Isto Taka assigned to specialen sparing ishrana (Granata sought To the sink Lesno bitter and Sadri Malka suit).

In the peridot in the antihelminthic terapia the CE pacientu the highly predrive content to personal hygiene, To the se spreci reinfestation). In the history of the time, for many helminth infections, tretment Must to the odat the bottom of the screen, the members of samestate, as much as the face, the inficirani the Poston contact.